AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Student Activities, Support Services, and Resources

Worthy organizations may be established and operate within the college; however, it is the policy of OFTC that the guidelines below are followed:

  • All organizations functioning within any division of OFTC will operate under the sanction, knowledge, advisement, and approval of the director of student affairs, vice president of student affairs, and the president.
  • No organization will be allowed to affect administrative or operational policies; however, organizations may function in an advisory capacity, and their suggestions will be given due considerations.
  • All organizations shall function under the direct supervision of a faculty sponsor or advisor approved by the administration.
  • Frequency and scheduling of meetings and fundraising projects of approved organizations must be cleared through the faculty sponsor or advisor. The faculty sponsor or advisor will seek approval from the appropriate supervisor.
  • Fundraising projects must follow the guidelines outlined under the student fundraising procedure.