AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Dual/Joint Enrollment

The Georgia Dual Enrollment Program provides an opportunity for high school students to receive both high school and postsecondary credit while taking college courses. Eligible students at OFTC may choose to enroll fully into a degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit program, or they may choose to take a few academic core courses. Coursework taken through dual enrollment is fully covered, up to 30 credit hours, following guidelines set by the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC).  Students incur no out-of-pocket expenses for tuition, college fees, or textbooks for approved courses, as listed on the Dual Enrollment Course Directory at GAFutures.org, unless they exceed the dual enrollment funding cap of 30 credit hours. Until that cap is met, the only fees students may be required to pay are course-specific fees determined by the college and fees for lost or damaged textbooks. Course hours covered by dual enrollment funding do not count towards a student’s HOPE Grant or Scholarship caps, providing a further incentive for students in 10th through 12th grades to get a head start on their college coursework.  Students are responsible for all costs associated with courses not listed on the Dual Enrollment Course Directory list of approved courses at GAFutures.org.

Private High School Students

Students attending an accredited private school are eligible for dual enrollment if OFTC’s admissions requirements are met. The private school’s accreditation must be approved by the Technical College System of Georgia. If the private school is not a participating school in the Dual Enrollment program, private school students are not eligible for dual enrollment funds.

Homeschool Students

Students in a home study (homeschool) program are eligible for dual enrollment if they meet OFTC’s admissions requirements and complete all enrollment steps required for participation in the OFTC dual enrollment program.

The Georgia Home Study Program parent/guardian must create a GAFutures Education Professional account profile for the name of the Georgia Home Study Program to receive an assigned HSP# prior to the student completing the annual online Dual Enrollment Funding Application.

Home study students must then complete the yearly Dual Enrollment Funding Application, and their parent/guardian must complete the Dual Enrollment Participation Agreement for the student.

The home study program administrator, which may be the student’s parent/guardian, must add courses onto the Dual Enrollment Funding Application at the beginning of each term of enrollment for the home study dual enrollment student.

Due to the unique circumstances of each individual student, we encourage home school study students and parents to contact the OFTC high school initiatives coordinators for more information.

Joint Enrollment

Joint enrollment is an arrangement whereby a high school student is enrolled in postsecondary coursework with OFTC while continuing to pursue his or her high school diploma. Joint enrollment coursework earns postsecondary credit only.  Jointly enrolled students must self-pay or secure other funding for costs related to OFTC coursework.