Criminal Justice Technology Diploma
The Criminal Justice diploma program is a sequence of courses that prepares students for criminal justice professions. Learning opportunities develop academic, occupational, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of Criminal Justice theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Program graduates receive a Criminal Justice Technology diploma. Graduates who are current practitioners will benefit through enhancement of career potential. Entry-level persons will be prepared to pursue diverse opportunities in the corrections, security, investigative, and police administration fields. Completion of the Criminal Justice Technology diploma does not ensure certification of officer status in Georgia. Students must seek such certification from the Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Council.
Students desiring to be employed in the public protection sector upon graduation must meet the requirements established by Georgia Code 35-8-8.
Students can enter the Criminal Justice Technology diploma program any semester. A full-time student can complete this program in 5 semesters. To graduate, a student must earn a minimum of 48 semester credit hours.
NOTICE: Students who intend to become certified Peace Officers or Corrections Officers in the State of Georgia should understand that according to the Georgia Peace Officer and Standards Training (P.O.S.T.) Council, each applicant, "shall not have been convicted by any state or by the federal government of any crime the punishment for which could have been imprisonment in the federal or state prison or institution nor have been convicted of sufficient misdemeanors to establish a pattern of disregard for the law, provided that, for purposes of this paragraph, violations of traffic laws and other offenses involving the operation of motor vehicles when the applicant has received a pardon shall not be considered." This means that the Council will require a thorough Criminal and Traffic History be completed to include but not limited to: a Certified Driver’s History, a Georgia Crime Information Center and a National Crime Information Center printout. Qualifications for peace officer/corrections officer may be found at the P.O.S.T. web site
Offered at the Following Campuses/Delivery Mode:
- North Campus (Sandersville)
- South Campus (Dublin)
- Online (Distance Education)
Employment Outlook
Career Traits/Requirements
Individuals wanting to enroll in the Criminal Justice diploma program must be able to deal with a wide array of situations with a level head.
Employment Opportunities
The diploma program prepares students for positions in law enforcement, corrections or security such as: Community Police Officer, Detention Officer, EMS Coordinator, Police Officer, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Dispatcher, Jailer, or Records Manager. A criminal background investigation with a satisfactory determination is required of all persons working in the criminal justice field.
Program Costs
Tuition & Fees: $6,455.00
Books & Supplies: $1,610.00
(Costs are estimated and are subject to change.)
Admission Requirements
OFTC may accept a student’s official entrance score on the following validated assessment instruments if the scores meet the required minimums:
- SAT,
- ACT,
- Accuplacer/Accuplacer Next Generation/Companion,
- HOPE GPA after completion of 10th grade of 2.6 or higher, or High School GPA of 2.6 (for occupational programs), or 2.0 for Workforce Entry Level programs, or GED.
The College may accept transfer credit for other courses according to the College’s transfer policy.
General Education Courses
Occupational Courses
Choose one of the following
Program Pathway
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
PSYC 1010 | Basic Psychology | 3 | 45 |
CRJU 1068 | Criminal Law for Criminal Justice | 3 | 45 |
CRJU 1400 | Ethics and Cultural Perspectives for Criminal Justice | 3 | 45 |
CRJU 1052 | Criminal Justice Administration | 3 | 45 |
Semester 4
Choose one of the following: