AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) promotes a climate of academic honesty, critical investigation, strong work ethic, intellectual freedom, and freedom on individual thought and expression consistent with the rights of others. OFTC is a student-centered organization which provides students with a full range of educational opportunities while maximizing their chances of success. Specifically, OFTC strives to provide students with opportunities to pursue educational programs and services that assist them in clarifying and attaining their career goals.

Student Rights

Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) students have the right to:

  1. be free of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, or any other applicable legislated category.
  2. be safe on OFTC’s property.
  3. have the occupational skills, technology, equipment, and resources available to ensure success upon graduation.
  4. have access to program advisors.
  5. receive due process when accused of any violations of college regulations or conduct code.
  6. have adequate access to properly equipped labs.
  7. have privacy regarding personal information in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.
  8. evaluate college facilities and services provided by faculty and staff.

Student Responsibilities

Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) students are responsible to:

  1. respect fellow students, faculty, and staff regarding their opinions.
  2. respect OFTC’s equipment, facilities, and persons, as well as the property of others.
  3. take responsibility for learning and communicate specific learning needs.
  4. adhere to program requirements and to follow the prescribed curriculum as outlined in the OFTC catalog.
  5. actively seek out advisors and other support services that are available.
  6. always work to the best of one’s abilities and communicate the need for adequate access to properly equipped labs.
  7. accept responsibility for one’s actions.
  8. seek evaluation/feedback from instructors and peers.
  9. adhere to OFTC’s policies and procedures.
  10. participate freely and willingly in learning activities using diverse instructional strategies.
  11. adhere to standards and policies as set by the OFTC Board, TCSG, OFTC administration, faculty and staff including general classroom guidelines and protocol.
  12. take responsibility for attending classes, being prepared for class, and for following other guidelines as prescribed by instructors.

Student Grievances

Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) desires to resolve student grievances, complaints and concerns in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner. Students seeking resolution of any concerns or complaints should follow the OFTC Student Grievances Procedure.


  • Grievable issues: Issues arising from the application of a policy/procedure to the student’s specific case are always grievable. Specifically, grievable are issues related to student advisement, improper disclosure of grades, unfair testing procedures and poor treatment of students; this is a representative list and is not meant to be exhaustive.
  • Non-grievable issues: Issues which have a separate process for resolution (i.e., disciplinary sanctions, FERPA, financial aid, academic grades, discrimination, harassment etc.) are not grievable, and a student must take advantage of the process in place.
  • Business days: Weekdays that the college administrative offices are open.
  • Vice president of academic affairs (VPAA): The staff member in charge of the academic affairs division at the college.
  • Vice president of student affairs (VPSA): The staff member in charge of the student affairs division at the college.
  • Retaliation: Unfavorable action taken, condition created, or other action taken by a student/employee for the purpose of intimidation directed toward a student because the student initiated a grievance or participated in an investigation of a grievance.
  • Grievant: The student who is making the complaint.


For all timelines established herein, if a student will need additional time, an extension may be granted at the vice president of student affairs’ discretion.

  1. Informal Grievance Procedure: Students with grievable issues should resolve those issues, if possible, on an informal basis without the filing of a formal grievance.
    1. A student has ten (10) business days from the date of the incident being grieved to resolve the matter informally by approaching their instructor, department chair, or any other staff or faculty member directly involved in the grieved incident.
    2. Where this process does not result in a resolution of the grievable issue, the student may proceed to the formal grievance procedure below.
  2. Formal Grievance Procedure: where a student cannot resolve their grievance informally, he or she may use this formal grievance procedure.
    1. Within 15 business days of the incident being grieved, the student must file a formal grievance in the office of the vice president of student affairs (VPSA) with the following information:
      1. Name,
      2. Date,
      3. Brief description of incident being grieved,
      4. Remedy requested,
      5. Signed, and
      6. Informal remedy attempted by student and the outcome
    2. If the grievance is against the VPSA, the student shall file the grievance with the technical college president.
    3. The VPSA or the technical college president’s designee will investigate the matter and supply a written response to the student within 15 business days.
    4. If the grieved incident involves possible unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation for reporting unlawful harassment/discrimination, the investigation will be handled pursuant to the Procedure: Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination of Students.
    5. If the grieved incident is closely related to an incident being processed through the harassment/discrimination or disciplinary procedures, the proceedings under the Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination of Students procedure will take precedence, then the disciplinary procedure and then the student’s grievance will be addressed. The grievance will not be processed until after the other procedures have run their course.
    6. The VPSA shall be granted an additional 15 business days to investigate the grievance upon notice to the grievant student.
  3. Appeal: The student may appeal the decision from the VPSA or the technical college president’s designee to the OFTC president. Only the student has the right to appeal.
    1. A student shall file a written appeal to the president within five (5) business days of receiving the response referenced above.
    2. The appeal will be decided based entirely on documents provided by the student and the administration; therefore, the student must ensure that he or she has provided all relevant documents with his or her appeal.
    3. At the sole discretion of the president, grievance appeals at the institution may be held in one of the following ways:
      1. The president may review the information provided by the student and administration and make the final decision; or
      2. The president may appoint a cross-functional committee to make the final decision.
      3. The decision of either the president or the cross-functional committee shall be made within ten (10) business days of receipt of the appeal.
      4. Whichever process is chosen by the president, the decision of the grievance appeal is final.

Retaliation against a student for filing a grievance is strictly prohibited.

Record Retention

Documents relating to formal grievances including investigations, dispositions, and the grievance itself shall be held for 5 years after the graduation of the student or the date of the student’s last attendance in the vice president for student affairs’ office.

Copyright Procedure

Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) is in compliance with the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) and encourages faculty, staff, and administrators to make lawful use of copyrighted works. OFTC recognizes the exclusive rights of the copyright holders, as well as the exceptions to those rights as provided for in:

The doctrine of Fair Use which is found in Section 107 of the US Copyright Act

The T.E.A.C.H Act which is found in Section 110 (2) of the US Copyright Act

Digital Millennium Copyright Act DMCA.

The director of library services will serve as the college coordinator and will investigate or answer questions and/or concerns of the faculty, staff, students, and administrators as they arise. The library will house current copyright manuals detailing permissible and restricted activities for reference and access by all OFTC personnel and students. The library will also require written copyright permission prior to duplicating any materials for an official requestor. The library will also retain and maintain copyright records. In addition:

  • Purchasing personnel will make every effort to obtain free duplication rights from the copyright holder. In the event that free duplication rights are not allowed, the purchasing of duplication rights will be explored. A copy of all documents containing written permission shall be retained in the library.
  • Any use or reproduction of copyright materials will be done either with the written permission of the copyright holder or within the bounds of the exceptions as noted above.
  • Copying or using copyrighted matter not specifically permitted or exempted by copyright law will not be allowed. Liability for the willful infringement will be placed upon the person making the copies or using the material.

Intellectual Property Policy and Procedure

Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) adheres to the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Intellectual Property Policy.

In order that OFTC or TCSG be able to utilize to the best and fullest extent all works produced for it, and all works provided for its use, anyone producing work for OFTC or TCSG and anyone providing work for OFTC’s or TCSG’s use, represents and warrants that such works:

  • Do not violate any law;
  • Do not violate or infringe any intellectual property right (including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent, or right of publicity) of any person or firm; and
  • Do not libel, defame, or invade the privacy of any person.

Intellectual property includes, but is not limited to, any copyrightable subject matter or materials, patentable inventions, online courses, computer software, or materials that would normally be developed on a proprietary basis.

TCSG owns all copyrightable or patentable work created by the employee or student with the support of OFTC or TCSG resources unless addressed in a separate agreement.

A legally binding agreement must specify the named party or parties describing to whom the intellectual property belongs and the attribution ownership of the intellectual property to the general public.

OFTC resources may include, but are not limited to, offices, computers, standard office equipment and supplies, libraries, labs, funds, and personnel.

The ownership of a copyright or patent resulting from the development of intellectual property and any rewards or recognition attributed to the copyright or patent will be determined according to the conditions described in the two sections below.

The employee or student retains ownership if all of the following criteria are met:

  • the work is the result of individual initiative, not requested or required by OFTC and/or TCSG;
  • the work is not the result of a specific contract or assignment made as a result of employment or enrollment with OFTC and/or TCSG;
  • the work is outside the scope of the employee’s job duties or the student’s course/program requirements, and
  • the work is done without using equipment or resources provided by OFTC and/or TCSG.

Ownership remains with TCSG if any of the above criteria are not met and/or if any one of the criteria below applies:

  • the work is produced within the scope of the employee’s job duties or student’s course/program requirements, and
  • the work is the product of a specific contract or assignment made in the course of the employee’s employment or student’s enrollment with OFTC or the development of the work involved facilities, time, and/or other resources of OFTC and/or TCSG such as release time, grant funds, OFTC and/or TCSG personnel, salary supplement, leave with pay, equipment or other materials, or financial assistance.

When a question of ownership arises, the president must approve the development of the intellectual property by any employee or student of OFTC through the TCSG Intellectual Property Policy and the TCSG Development of Patentable Devices/Materials or Copyrightable Materials/Media by Technical College/Department Procedure.

When questions arise as to equities, rights, division of revenues, or any other intellectual property-related matter, they shall be referred to the president for consideration, interpretation of policy, and decision. An employee or student has the right to file a grievance or complaint using the appropriate OFTC Student Grievance Procedure or TCSG Employee Grievance Policies.

Employee, as used in the procedure, means any full-time or part-time, contractual or non- contractual employee.

Student, as used in this procedure, means any student officially enrolled at OFTC.

Academic Freedom Procedure

Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) fully supports the right to academic freedom for all faculty members and students. The procedure below outlines the freedoms which faculty members and students possess. This procedure is in accordance with the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) State Board Policy 5.1.1p Academic Freedom. As a community of scholars dedicated to the premise of life-long learning, OFTC encourages faculty and students to examine and discuss questions and issues of interest to them. In the development of knowledge, research endeavors, and creative activities, faculty and students must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism. Fundamental to an opportunity for free inquiry and expression is the right to assemble in accordance with College and Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) policies. Faculty members and students are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject. Caution must be used not to introduce material that has no relation to the instructional field. Faculty and students must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence and to participate as responsible citizens in community affairs.

Faculty members at OFTC enjoy the following academic rights:

  • To develop curriculum, including academic programs, courses, course descriptions, course outlines, course goals, objectives, and standards in accordance with college procedures that have been mutually agreed upon by the Technical College System of Georgia, the vice president of academic affairs of Oconee Fall Line Technical College and in conformity with state requirements and existing articulation agreements with other institutions of higher education faculty.
  • To develop course instructional content consistent with faculty-generated course outlines.
  • To experiment with and choose methods of instruction and evaluation consistent with approved course outlines; and, where appropriate, agree as a faculty within a discipline to use common methods of instruction and/or evaluation in certain courses for program consistency.
  • To choose what kinds of technology will be used to support achievement of course objectives; and, where appropriate, to agree as a faculty within a discipline to use common technological devices, methods, and/or programs in certain courses for program consistency.
  • Within a discipline, to select the textbook(s) and other instructional materials that will be used in that discipline to cover the content of the approved course outlines; and, where appropriate, to agree as a faculty within a discipline to use a common textbook(s) in certain courses for program consistency.
  • To assign student grades in a manner that is consistent with the TCSG/college’s grading policy.
  • To express themselves candidly when writing articles and/or books, developing media, writing music, creating art, and/or conducting research, so long as they make a clear distinction between when they are acting as individuals and when they are acting as representatives of the college.
  • To demonstrate and foster critical thinking and to encourage opportunities for different sides of issues to be shared and debated, not only among students within the classroom, but also among their colleagues.

Due process in academic freedom disputes between a faculty member and a supervisor or between faculty members is to follow the guidelines in the Technical College System of Georgia State Board Policy 4.4.3 Employee Complaint Resolution. Due process in academic freedom disputes between a faculty member and student is to follow the guidelines in the Technical College System of Georgia State Board Policy 6.5.3p. Student Grievances.