AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Circumstances for Testing

Pre-Enrollment Drug Testing

All CTD students will undergo testing for the presence of drugs. After acceptance into the program, students will be notified when to report for drug/alcohol testing.

Students will be required to submit voluntarily to a urinalysis test, and by signing a consent agreement will release OFTC from liability. The cost for this test will be paid by the student.

Reasonable Suspicion Testing

All CTD students may be subject to a “fitness for school” evaluation, and urine and/or breath testing when there are reasons to believe that drug or alcohol use is adversely affecting class performance. A reasonable suspicion referral for testing will be made on the basis of documented objective facts and circumstances which are consistent with the short-term effects of substance abuse or alcohol misuse. Examples of reasonable suspicion include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Physical signs and symptoms consistent with prohibited substance use or alcohol misuse, i.e., Slurred speech, unusual behavior, smell of alcohol, inability to maintain dexterity.
  2. Evidence of the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances, drugs, alcohol, or other prohibited substances.
  3. Occurrence of a serious or potentially serious accident that may have been caused by prohibited substance abuse or alcohol misuse.
  4. Fighting/physical altercations, assaults, and flagrant disregard or violations of established safety, security, or other operating procedures.
  5. Reasonable suspicion referrals must be made by an OFTC administrator and/or instructor who is trained to detect the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol use and who reasonably concludes that a student may be adversely affected or impaired in his/her classroom performance due to possible prohibited substance abuse or alcohol misuse. If the test is positive, the student is responsible for the cost of the test and the student will be dismissed from the CTD program. If the test is negative, OFTC will assume the cost.

Post-Accident Testing

All CTD students will be required to undergo drug and alcohol testing if they are involved in an accident with an OFTC owned/leased vehicle which results in a fatality or involved in a non-fatal accident resulting in bodily injury of a person and they receive medical treatment away from the scene, or one or more motor vehicles incur disabling damage and has to be towed and the driver receives a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident. This includes all surviving CTD students that are operating in the vehicle and any others whose performance could have contributed to the accident. If the test is positive, the student is responsible for the cost of the test and the student will be dismissed from the CTD program. If the test is negative, OFTC will assume the cost.

Following an accident, the CTD student will be tested at the nearest approved location as soon as possible, but not to exceed eight hours for alcohol testing and 32 hours for drug testing. Any CTD student involved in an accident must refrain from alcohol use for eight hours following the accident or until he/she undergoes a post-accident alcohol test. Any CTD student who leaves the scene of the accident without justifiable explanation prior to submission to drug and alcohol testing will be considered to have refused the test and their enrollment in CTD is terminated. Students tested under this provision will also include any other covered student whose performance could have contributed to the accident.

Random Testing

Students in CTD will be subject to unannounced drug and alcohol testing. The selection of students for random drug and alcohol testing will be made using a scientifically valid method that ensures each covered student that he/she will have an equal chance of being selected each time selections are made. The random tests will be unannounced and performed while the student is enrolled in CTD classes.

If the test is positive, the student is responsible for the cost of the test, and the student will be dismissed from the CTD program. If the test is negative, OFTC will assume the cost with the exception of a split sample drug test that the student requests. Students will be directed to a specified site and must report for random testing within one hour from time of notification unless the student is on the road and is to be notified after coming off the road.

Students who are selected in a random pool but subsequently are withdrawn for an attendance violation must be tested if the student appeals and is reinstated into the program. Students will be notified of the date/time of testing.

Return-To-School, Follow-Up-Testing

Students who fail to follow or violate any of the provisions of this procedure will be dismissed from the CTD program for one full semester before being able to reapply to the program. All CTD students who previously tested positive on a drug or alcohol test must attend drug/alcohol rehabilitation prior to reapplying to the CTD program. Students must test negative (below 0.02 for alcohol) on a return-to-school test and be evaluated and released by the substance abuse professional before returning to school. Documentation (signed by a substance abuse professional) of rehabilitation training must be submitted at the time of student reapplying to school. A student who violates this procedure a second time will result in permanent dismissal from the program.

Student Requested Testing

Any CTD student who questions the results of a required drug test may request that the split sample be tested. The student has to request the split specimen be sent to another DHHS-certified laboratory for analysis. The test must be conducted on the split sample that was provided by the student at the same time as the original sample. All costs for such testing are paid by the student. The method of collecting, storing, and testing the split sample will be consistent with the procedures set forth in 49 CFR Part 40, as amended.

Student Admission of Alcohol and Controlled Substances Use

Any student who notifies Oconee Fall Line Technical College (OFTC) of any prohibited behavior prior to enrollment will be allowed to return to class provided that all conditions of FMCSR 382.121 have been satisfied:

  1. The student does not self-identify to avoid testing under this part.
  2. The student makes the admission of alcohol misuse or controlled substances use prior to performing a safety sensitive function.
  3. The student does not perform a safety sensitive function until the College is satisfied that the student has been evaluated and has successfully completed the education or treatment requirements in accordance with the self-identification program guidelines.
  4. Prior to participating in a safety sensitive function, the student shall undergo a return to duty test with a result indicating an alcohol concentration of 0.02 and/or a return to duty controlled substance test with a verified negative test result for controlled substances use; and the process may include student monitoring and include non-DOT testing.

Negative with Safety Concerns

If a student receives a report of “Negative with Safety Concerns” from the MRO, the student will remain in class but will not participate in safety-sensitive activities until such time as the concern is resolved. There are two recommended ways to resolve the concern.

  1. Obtain a statement from the student’s prescribing physician stating that the medicines of concern have been discontinued, the student is no longer medically authorized to use them, the prescribing physician has changed the prescription to a medication that does not adversely impact safety, or, in the physician’s medical judgement, the employee can safely perform safety-sensitive duties while taking the medication as prescribed.
  2. Have the student evaluated by an occupational medicine physician, familiar with the student’s duties to determine if the student can safely perform safety sensitive duties.
  3. All associated costs will be the responsibility of the student.

Substance Abuse Assessment and Treatment

Any CTD student who tests positive for the presence of illegal drugs or alcohol above the minimum thresholds set forth in 49 CRF Part 40, as amended, is dismissed from OFTC and referred for evaluation by a DOT-approved substance abuse professional (SAP). A SAP is a licensed or certified physician, psychologist, social worker, employee assistance professional, or addiction counselor with knowledge of and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol-related disorders or drug abuse. The SAP will evaluate each student to determine what assistance, if any, the student needs in resolving problems associated with prohibited drug use or alcohol misuse. This will be at the student’s expense.

Assessment by a SAP or participation in a substance abuse treatment program does not shield a student from disciplinary action or guarantee reinstatement to the CTD program at OFTC.

If a CTD student is allowed to return to the CTD program, he/she must properly follow the rehabilitation program prescribed by the SAP. The student must have negative return-to-school drug tests and be subject to unannounced follow-up testing as required by the SAP. The cost of the drug tests and any treatment or rehabilitation services will be paid directly by the student.

Substance Abuse Professional (SAP)

Contact Information

National Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Network
