AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Academic Progress

Oconee Fall Line Technical College shall maintain academic standards that are, to the maximum extent feasible, uniformly applied among all students.

Absent extraordinary circumstances, instructors shall provide a copy of the course syllabus to all students in each class by the end of the first full week of class for every term.

Instructors’ evaluations of student work should be periodic, measure the achievement of the objectives or competencies, have clear directions, be reasonable in difficulty, and be comprehensive. Instructors shall allow students to review all graded tests and other academic evaluations within a reasonable time to allow feedback and remedial instruction. Instructors shall maintain documentation sufficient to justify the grade a student earns. This documentation shall be maintained for three years following the semester the grade was conferred or until any grade appeal is resolved, whichever occurs last.

A student who engages in academic misconduct such as cheating shall face disciplinary charges under the Student Code of Conduct in addition to any loss of academic credit or standing that may result from his/her having failed to meet a course’s academic requirements.

Good Standing

Academic good standing means that a student is eligible to enroll or re-enroll. To be in academic good standing, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher, must successfully complete at least 67% of all coursework attempted, and must complete his/her program of study within 150% of the published length of the program measured in credit hours attempted.

Academic Probation

The purpose of academic probation is to alert students to the fact that their academic performance is not acceptable and to point out the possible consequences if improvement is not made during the next semester of enrollment. Students must maintain a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative grade point average to be in satisfactory academic standing. Students whose semester grade point average falls below a 2.0 will be placed on academic probation for the next academic semester.

Academic Suspension and Dismissal

A student will be suspended from the college for a minimum of one semester if the semester grade point average is less than a 2.0 during the semester enrolled on academic probation. When the student returns to the college, he/she will be placed on academic probation.

Students who fail to remove themselves from academic probation by attaining a minimum 2.0 GPA the next semester in attendance after being placed on suspension will be academically dismissed for three semesters.

Students will be advised and counseled as to academic deficiencies and given official notification of academic probation/suspension status. Academic probation and suspension status are indicated on transcripts.

In appropriate circumstances, a student may be dismissed from an academic program or the college without first being placed on probation.

A student who is dismissed from the college may appeal his/her suspension or dismissal by filing a written appeal with the vice president of academic affairs within ten (10) calendar days from the first day of class of the following term the suspension or dismissal status was attained.

The decision of the vice president of academic affairs shall be final.

Grade and Other Academic Appeals

A student may appeal a final grade and/or work ethics grade by raising the issue with the instructor who awarded the grade or made the academic decision. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the appeal must be filed within ten business days from the date the student learned or reasonably should have learned of the grade or other action complained of.

If the consultation with the instructor does not resolve the appeal, a student may appeal to the dean of academic affairs for his/her respective program (listed below) by filing a written request for review. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the appeal must be filed within twenty (20) business days from the date the student learned or reasonably should have learned of the grade or other action complained of. To initiate this appeal, the student must write a letter addressed to the dean of academic affairs stating the reasons why the student feels the grade should be changed and submit this letter to the dean. Written appeals may be in the form of electronic communication and should include copies of any documentation cited in support of the student’s case. The dean will examine the facts and any applicable documentation to determine that the grade was determined fairly according to the course syllabus and will communicate the results of this review in writing to both the student and the instructor.

If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the dean, the student may appeal the decision to the vice president of academic affairs within thirty (30) business days from the date the student learned or reasonably should have learned of the grade or other action complained of. A student must write a letter addressed to the vice president of academic affairs stating the reasons why the grade should be changed and explain why the decision of the dean should not be accepted. The letter must be submitted to the vice president of academic affairs’ office. Written appeals may be in the form of electronic communication and should include copies of any documentation cited in support of the student’s case. The vice president of academic affairs or designee will review the documentation and communicate the results in writing to the student, instructor, division chairperson, and the respective dean of academic affairs. The decision of the vice president of academic affairs shall be final.

Allied Health and Professional Services Courses

Tammy Bayto


Transportation and Trade/Industrial Courses

Lee Radney


Business Services and Arts/Sciences Courses

Jacqueline Copenny, Ed.D.
