AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Repeated Courses

If a student desires to repeat the course(s) in which he or she received the unsatisfactory grade(s), then previous grades in the repeated classes will not be calculated into the credit hours and grade point ratios for graduation. The highest grade received will be used in the recalculation of grade point ratios for graduation purposes. If a student elects to repeat a course in which he or she earned a satisfactory grade (“A,” “B,” or “C”), the student’s advisor must obtain permission from the dean of academic affairs over that program area. The student’s permanent record will show all work attempted and all grades earned. The cumulative grade point average is that grade point average calculated on all attempts at all credit courses taken at that college. The Graduation Grade Point Average is calculated only on those courses required for graduation. When a course is taken more than once, the highest grade will be used in calculating the grade point average for graduation. A 2.0 grade point average is needed for graduation.

Repeated courses are included in the qualitative and quantitative calculations for financial aid satisfactory progress. Students may repeat each previously passed course only once for Title IV purposes. For Title IV, a “D” is considered passing. However, a “D” is not considered academically passed for OFTC.