AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Attendance Procedure

Attendance in classes, laboratories, and lectures is important. OFTC students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered as scheduled throughout the semester. Students must be present, on time, and academically engaged in all classes. Students who are called to military or jury duty should inform their instructors and, if appropriate, the Financial Aid and Veteran Affairs offices prior to their absence, and provide appropriate documentation. Students anticipating any other absences or tardiness should contact the instructor as soon as possible.

Students must not be absent from announced quizzes, laboratory periods, or final examinations unless the reasons for the absences are acceptable to the instructors concerned. Students should also understand that they are responsible for all material covered during their absences and that they are responsible for the academic consequences of the absences.

Some programs have attendance procedures in occupational courses as governed by requirements of accreditation/governing bodies. Students enrolled in occupational courses in the Associate Degree in Nursing Bridge, Cosmetology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Medical Assisting, Nurse Aide, Pharmacy Technology, Phlebotomy, Practical Nursing, Radiologic Technology, and Respiratory Therapy are subject to an attendance requirement. Attendance requirements will be listed on each class syllabus. Students who do not meet the attendance requirement for an occupational course in these programs cannot progress to subsequent program courses.

The list of courses that have attendance procedures are below:

  • COSM 1000, COSM 1010, COSM 1020, COSM 1030, COSM 1040, COSM 1050, COSM 1060, COSM 1070, COSM 1080, COSM 1090, COSM 1100, COSM 1110, COSM 1115, COSM 1120, COSM 1125
  • DMSO 1010, DMSO 1020, DMSO 1040, DMSO 1050, DMSO 1060, DMSO 1070, DMSO 1080, DMSO 1090, DMSO 1100, DMSO 2010, DMSO 2020, DMSO 2030, DMSO 2031, DMSO 2032, DMSO 2040, DMSO 2050
  • IMSA 1100
  • MAST 1010, MAST 1030, MAST 1060, MAST 1080, MAST 1090, MAST 1100, MAST 1110, MAST 1120, MAST 1170, MAST 1180, MAST 2100, MAST 2108
  • MRIM 2300, MRIM 2320, MRIM 2330, MRIM 2350, MRIM 2350, MRIM 2360, MRIM 2370
  • NAST 1100
  • PHAR 1000, PHAR 1010, PHAR 1020, PHAR 1030, PHAR 1040, PHAR 1050, PHAR 2060, PHAR 2070
  • PHLT 1030, PHLT 1050
  • PNSG 2010, PNSG 2030, PNSG 2035, PNSG 2210, PNSG 2220, PNSG 2230, PNSG 2240, PNSG 2250, PNSG 2255, PNSG 2310, PNSG 2320, PNSG 2330, PNSG 2340, PNSG 2410, PNSG 2415, PNSG 1600, PNSG 1605, PNSG 1610, PNSG 1615, PNSG 1620, PNSG 1625, PNSG 1630, PNSG 1635, PNSG 1640, PNSG 1645
  • RADT 1010, RADT 1030, RADT 1060, RADT 1065, RADT 1075, RADT 1085, RADT 1200, RADT 1320, RADT 1330, RADT 2090, RADT 2201, RADT 2210, RADT 2220, RADT 2230, RADT 2250, RADT 2260, RADT 2265, RADT 2340, RADT 2360
  • RESP 1110, RESP 1120, RESP 1130, RESP 1193, RESP 2090, RESP 2100, RESP 2110, RESP 2120, RESP 2130, RESP 2140, RESP 2150, RESP 2160, RESP 2170, RESP 2180, RESP 2190, RESP 2200, RESP 2220, RESP 2270
  • RNSG 1151, RNSG 1170, RNSG 2051, RNSG 2070, RNSG 2151, RNSG 2170, RNSG 2251, RNSG 2280, RNSG 2330

The attendance expectations will be stated in each course syllabus, which is distributed to students at the beginning of the semester in each class. Students who are absent because of their participation in college-approved activities, such as field trips and extracurricular events, will be permitted to make up the work missed during their absences provided the student communicates with their instructor in a timely manner.

Faculty will report any student who has not attended a physical class or participated in an online course by the no-show deadline of the academic term. A student who does not complete the Attendance Verification Activity (AVA) reported as a no show. Any student who is not submitted as a no show or who does not self-withdraw by the 80% mark for the term will receive a grade of A, B, C, D, or F. All F grades will have a last date of attendance recorded and must be supported with an academically- related activity documentation.

Attendance Verification

Attendance verification is required each semester before financial aid funds are disbursed. To remain on the class roster, all enrolled students are required to complete the attendance verification activity during the first seven (7) calendar days of each term. A student not meeting the attendance verification requirement will be reported as a no- show for the class.

Online Courses

The mistake most students make about online learning is in thinking they only have to log on once a week. To receive credit for accessing (attending) the class, students must log into Blackboard and then click on each course they are taking. Just logging into Blackboard does not count for attendance. Many courses require submission of work as proof of attendance.

The recommendation is to check the site at least equal to the number of contact hours for the course, just like attending class on campus on a regular basis. For example, if the class is a five (5) contact hour class, this would be the minimum number of times per week to log on to check announcements, complete assignments, etc.