AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Accident Insurance

All credit students are required to purchase accident insurance at registration of each academic term. Accident insurance is provided to students enrolled in the adult education program for each academic term in which they are enrolled.

In the case of an accident, the student should immediately notify his/her instructor and complete an accident form. The student is responsible for any expenses not paid by this accident insurance. Students should read the policy to understand which expenses may be out-of-pocket expenses for the student. Students are responsible for any personal medical costs incurred while enrolled at OFTC.

Accident insurance provides partial (supplemental) coverage for medical expenses related to accidents as specified below. A copy of the insurance plan is on file in the Business Office of North and South campuses.

College-time coverage protects student while engaged in OFTC activities during the entire academic term.

  • Traveling to or from the student’s residence and OFTC to attend classes or as a member of a supervised group (not as a spectator) traveling in a college-furnished vehicle or chartered transportation going to or from a college-sponsored activity.
  • On college premises during the hours on the days that classes are in session or any other incidences while the student is required to participate in a college-sponsored activity (not as a spectator); and
  • Away from the college premises as a member of a supervised group participating in a college-sponsored activity requiring the attendance of the student (not as a spectator).