AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Campus Security Act

In compliance with Section 485 (a) and (f) of the Higher Education Act, also known as the Jeanne Clery disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. 1092 (a) and (f), Oconee Fall Line Technical College is required to disclose, on an annual basis, data on crimes committed on campus and campus safety policies and procedures. Among its provisions, this consumer protection law requires the school to collect, prepare, publish and distribute an annual statement of all campus security policies to all current and prospective students and employees. Included in this report are statistics concerning the occurrence of campus crime. Statistics on the occurrence of murder, manslaughter, forcible/non-forcible sex offenses, robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, motor vehicle theft, arson and violations of drugs/alcohol/weapons, are compiled annually and made available to the public on the OFTC website and in the summary report that is filed annually. Notification of crimes that are reported to campus security authorities or local law enforcement agencies and are considered to be a threat to the campus community will be made by utilizing available means including, but not limited to, the mass notification system, email, and other forms of electronic media.