AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Behavioral Intervention Team

Mission Statement

The Behavioral Intervention Team is dedicated to a proactive, coordinated, and planned approach to the identification, prevention, assessment, management, and reduction of interpersonal and behavioral threats to the safety and well-being of Oconee Fall Line Technical College students, faculty, staff, and visitors.


  • Provide a safe physical environment for members of the college community,
  • Provide a safe emotional environment for the college community, and
  • Promote peace of mind for friends and family of the college community.

OFTC has established the Behavioral Intervention Team to assist in addressing situations where students, faculty, or staff are displaying behaviors that are disruptive, threatening, or concerning in nature that potentially impede their own or others’ ability to function successfully or safely. It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately report any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the college. Any member of the campus community may become aware of a troubling person or situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress, or fear. However, behavioral assessment should not be confused with crises management. A crisis may be defined where a person may pose an active or immediate risk of violence to self or others. OFTC employs certified law enforcement officers to perform security functions on our campuses. Officers may be reached at one of the phone numbers below; in the event of an emergency, contact 911 and speak to a public safety official.

Campus Phone Number
Dublin (South Campus)
Sandersville (North Campus)
Jefferson County Center
Little Ocmulgee Instructional Center

In non-emergency situations, an individual may fill out an online concern report, call, or email a member of the Behavioral Intervention Team, or submit an anonymous report. Links to submit an online concern report and to download a printable concern form (PDF) can be found on the OFTC website, under Student Resources, then Safety & Security, then select Behavioral Intervention Team from the menu on the right. The PDF form, once completed, should be emailed to a member of the Behavioral Intervention Team as noted on the form.

The team will coordinate a team response to the issue and keep the reporting individual informed. This response may include interim suspension and removal from class and/or campus until the threat can be assessed. Reporting individuals should also inform their division chair, dean, or supervisor of any ongoing issues.

Behavioral Intervention Team Membership

Saketta Brown, Director of Student Affairs, Chair – 478-274-7643, sdbrown@oftc.edu

Dr. Saketha Adams, Vice President of Student Affairs – 478-553-2080, sadams@oftc.edu

Tammy Bayto, Dean of Academic Affairs for Allied Health & Professional Services – 478-274-7852, tbayto@oftc.edu

Dr. Jacqueline Copenny, Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts & Sciences and Business Services - 478-274-7855, jcopenny@oftc.edu

Lynn McDonald, Executive Director of Human Resources - 478-553-2059, ljmcdonald@oftc.edu

Demme McManus, Dean of Adult Education Instructional – 478-553-2075, dmcmanus@oftc.edu

Lee Radney, Dean of Academic Affairs for T&I and Transportation - 478-274-7794, lradney@oftc.edu

Marcus Rogers, Chief of Police – 478-274-7871, mwrogers@oftc.edu

Rosemary Selby, Vice President of Administrative Services – 478-553-2055, rselby@oftc.edu

Tremayne Smith, Student Navigator - 478-274-7763, tlsmith@oftc.edu

Michele Strickland, Vice President of Academic Affairs – 478-553-2097, mstrickland@oftc.edu