AY25 Academic Catalog/Handbook

Grade Definitions

  • “Z” WCOVID

    The grade of “Z” represents withdrawal from a course before completion due to the COVID-19 emergency. This grade does not have numerical equivalents and will not be calculated in the GPA. This grade has no financial or academic impact on a student record.


    “W” is assigned if the student withdraws on or prior to withdrawal deadline

    "WF" is assigned if the student is administratively withdrawn from a course.


    The grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be given to a student, who for nonacademic reasons beyond his or her control, is unable to meet the full requirements of a course. Exceptions to nonacademic reasons are (1) Commercial Truck Driving and the Department of Motor Vehicle Safety testing schedule; and (2) Business Technology and the “Timed Writing.” In order to qualify for an “I,” a student must (a) have completed the majority of the assignments of the course; (b) be passing the course (aside from the assignments not completed), and (c) have an extenuating non-academic justification. It is the student’s responsibility to request in writing to the instructor consideration of the “I” (incomplete grade) stating the conditions why he/she feels the “I” is warranted. The “I” will be given at the discretion of the instructor, and the Incomplete Grade Record form will be submitted by the instructor two (2) days before the end of the semester to the dean of academic affairs. The student will have until the posted deadline to complete the work to receive credit for the course.  If the work is not completed by the deadline, the incomplete grade "I" will become an "F".  If a student receives a grade of “I” in a course that is a prerequisite to other courses, the student must complete the required makeup work to determine the final grade and eligibility to enroll in subsequent courses. The “I” is not calculated in the grade point average.

  • “AU” AUDIT

    A student who registers as an auditor of a course must meet the usual admissions requirements or have departmental approval. By registering as an auditor and paying fees and tuition, the student is permitted to audit a course with the consent of the instructor without meeting all requirements of the course and without receiving course credit.

    Exceptions to this policy include certain laboratory courses and supervised work experience. A student is not permitted to change from audit to credit or from credit to audit, after the first day of the term. Neither financial aid nor VA benefits can be used for audited courses.


    The student receives credit for a course by successfully completing a competency examination on the coursework.

  • The student transfers coursework to Oconee Fall Line Technical College from another regionally-accredited institution. To be eligible for transfer credit, the student must have earned a “C” (2.0) or better in the course. NOTE: If a student has completed a degree (Bachelor or Associate), diploma, or certificate, the coursework must have been completed within the last five years in order for any of the occupational courses within the degree to transfer to OFTC. Oconee Fall Line Technical College may, at its option, require any student to take an examination for advanced placement or transfer.
  • Program specific technical courses will be considered for transfer credit for coursework completed within the past 60 months. A student desiring consideration of credit for technical courses or experiences not approved may request credit by exemption testing. General education courses do not have a specified time limit to be considered for transfer. Certain Allied Health courses may have a more stringent time limit requirement on transfer courses.

    Credit awarded by nationally-accredited institutions will be accepted only when faculty credentials can be verified as greater than or equivalent to OFTC standards.

    Transfer credit will not be considered for remedial English, remedial mathematics, or remedial reading.